Tilman-Otto WAGNER
Official Website of
Scientific Author, Journalist, Blogger,
Scriptwriter, Novelist & Poet
Scientific Publications

a cultural anthropological analysis
GRIN Publishing, 2011
Munich, Germany
Österreichisch-siebenbürgische literarische Interferenzen - Ein Abriss
AkademikerVerlag, 2016
Saarbrücken, Deutschland
Brecht, der unbequeme Zeitgenosse ... auf nach Mahagonny!
VDM Verlag, 2010,
Saarbrücken, Deutschland
The Beat Generation in a Scholastic Analysis: literary hipsters and subversive visionaries
VDM Pulishing, 2010
Saarbrücken, Germany

Ein Bildungsprogramm
zwischen den Kulturen
GRIN Verlag, 2014
München, Deutschland
Volume of Poetry
Bookrix Edition, 2011
Munich, Germany
English, German, Romanian
Volume of Poetry
Bookrix Edition, 2013
Munich, Germany
English, German, Romanian

Lulu Online Publishing, 2011
English, German

Bookrix Edition, 2011
Roman, Deutsch
united p.c Verlag, 2013
Neckenmarkt, Österreich
Roman, Deutsch
Sometimes, life seems like a never-ending spiral to ride along through good and bad times, aiming for the insightful universal experience that makes us being part of one and the same - the cosmogenic energy. It does not matter where you were born, what your mortal shell is made of or what kind of a motivation drives your actions - the only redemptive truth is made of pure universal love, understanding and compassion. Let it be your guide and inspiration for your daily decisions, advancements, realizations and changes! I wish for everybody in this world freedom, harmony, prosperity and piece of mind - not more, not less. Peace and freedom are the premises for unconditional love, spiritual balance, mutual respect and understanding throughout the cultures and nations - not more, not less. Weapons must be replaced by books, politicians and warlords re-educated as gardeners and good doers, who protect everybodys' well being and our amazing, nutritious earth. We don't trade our emotions, we share them! The infinite collective mind of the world is a living organism - it needs harmonious energy and love to prosper. Humans are much stronger than borders and possessions. Language and writing as culture belong to everybody ...

I am literally a born writer with a university professor for German literature as a father, Romanian teacher as a mother and lecturer in American literature as an uncle. Started my first writing attempts in my early childhood and my writing career in 2000 with my first poems and short stories in English, and then in German and Romanian. I wrote about 400 texts since then which consist of novels, plays, poetry, short prose, scientific writings, articles, essays, short-novellas, art criticism etc. which are written and mostly published in German, English and Romanian. In my understanding, writing (in any form) is the ultimate manifestation of one's inner freedom and an efficient medium of communication. Writing elevates the mind, trains the brain and sustains cultural values.
Das Schreiben wurde mir quasi in die Wiege gelegt durch einen Germanistik-Professor als Vater, eine Rumänisch-Lehrerin als Mutter und einen Onkel, der Dozent für amerikanische Literatur an der Universität war. Meine ersten Text-Bild-Erzählungen verfasste ich im Kindesalter. Seit 2000 bin ich als freischaffender Autor tätig. Seit daher habe ich ca. 400 Texte in Form von Romanen, Theaterstücken, Lyrik, Kurzprosa, wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, Artikeln, Essays, Kurznovellen, Kunsttheorie etc. auf Deutsch, Englisch und Rumänisch verfasst. In meiner Auffassung stellt Schreiben (in jeglicher Form) den vollendeten Ausdruck der inneren Freiheit dar und ist zugleich ein effizientes Kommunikationsmittel. Schreiben erhöht den Geist, trainiert das Gehirn und erhält Kulturwerte.

Since 1997, writing activities as freelance journalist, editor, translator and layout artist for numerous newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, periodicals, online magazines and blogs in Romania (Hermannstädter Zeitung, Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung, Revista Transilvania, Euphorion, Rondul, Tribuna), Germany (Siebenbürgische Zeitung München, Vierteljahresblatt Bukowina-Institut Augsburg, e-stories Nauheim, Netzpiloten.de Hamburg, wordpress), Austria (united p.c. Verlag Neckenmarkt, Aurora Internet-Magazin für Kultur, Wissen und Gesellschaft Wien, museum - Zeitschrift für Stunk und Urkult Wien und NÖ, AustrianFashion.Net Internet-Magazin für Mode und Style Wien, Grazer Kunstverein), the USA (Booksie, Essays Box, Newtopia Online Magazine, FictionPress) and Australia (RedBubble Online Magazine).

This dystopian Sci-Fi ShortNovella depicts a futuristic world of 2077, where the last two sentient beings Ot and Ve have to find the Seven Magnetic Keys in order to save their people, who had been infected with a deadly virus by their government. The two sentient androids have to fight against a malefic world order and its henchmen in order to preserve the human soul and mind for future generations.
Sci-Fi ShortNovella
Lulu Online Publishing
July 2016, USA
Sechs Kurzgeschichten
Lulu Online Publishing
2011, USA

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You can also find my writings and books on other websites
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